We know it’s tempting to skip these Terms of Service, but it’s important to establish what you can expect from us as you use our services, and what we expect from you.





All orders are governed by the Alliance Exposition Services TERMS & CONDITIONS. Upon participation in any Alliance Exposition Services event or exhibit program, the Exhibitor and/or it’s agents shall be bound by the terms and conditions set forth below and become a part of the Contract between ALLIANCE EXPOSITION SERVICES and you, the EXHIBITOR., DESIGNATED AGENTS and or CLIENT.


Acceptance of said terms and conditions will be construed when any of the follow conditions are met:

  • Submission of an order for services and/or rental equipment by an exhibitor or their agent with Alliance Exposition Services; OR
  • Work is performed on behalf of the exhibitor by labor secured through Alliance Exposition Services; OR
  • A shipment consigned to Alliance Expositions Services by an exhibitor, or any agent of the exhibitor is received; OR
  • The Bill of Lading (BOL) is signed or a shipment is left in the booth without a BOL after the exhibitor move out is concluded..



Alliance Exposition Services requires payment in full, including any applicable tax and or service fee, at the time services are ordered. Further, Alliance Exposition Services requires that the exhibiting party place a credit card authorization on file with the initial order. For the Exhibitor's convenience, Alliance Exposition Service will use this authorization to charge the account for services, which may include but is not limited to labor, shipping, rentals, material handling, and applicable taxes, unless credit has previously been approved and established with Alliance Exposition Services. If the exhibitor and/or Third Party provides a credit card for payment and the credit card transaction is declined, the exhibitor and/or Third Party (EAC) authorizes Alliance Exposition Services to process the outstanding balance in multiple smaller increments that total the amount of the outstanding payment obligation.



Alliance Exposition Services accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, check, ACH, and bank wire transfer. All payments must be made in U.S. Funds drawn on a U.S. Bank. The Exhibitor will be charged a $25.00 fee for returned NSF checks. Exhibitors are responsible for all wire transfer fees charged by their own banking institution. There are no fees incurred from Alliance Exposition Services to the exhibitor for receiving a wire transfer.



Each exhibiting firm is ultimately responsible for all charges incurred on its behalf. Alliance Exposition Services reserves the right to institute collection action against the exhibitor if the authorized third party does not pay for services provided. See Third Party Billing Authorization form.



Late fees will be assessed up to 1.5% per month on any balance not paid at the conclusion of the event, or balance left without an appropriate credit

card on file. Future orders will be on a prepaid basis only.



To qualify for advanced rates and discount pricing, orders must be received with payment on or before the discount deadline.



If the exhibiting organization is tax exempt in the state in which the event or exhibit program is taking place, a Sales Tax Exemption Certificate for that state must be furnished to Alliance Exposition Services prior to placing any orders. Please upload to the Exhibitor's account at Alliance OnLine and/or send notification via email in advance to ExhibitorAssistance@alliance-exposition.com. Sales Tax Exemption Certificate must be received by the order deadline date designated for the event or show, otherwise sales tax will be applied to the Exhibitor's invoice.



Adjustments to your invoice will not be made after the close of the show. All orders cancelled by the Exhibitor or due to the cancellation of an event or their non-participation may be subject to cancellation fees equal to 50% - 100% of the total order based upon the status of move-in, work performed and/or Alliance Nationwide Exposition set-up costs or expenses. Refer to the Refund Policy for fees associated with cancelation.


REFUND POLICYfees by category

All refunds are processed post show after a complete billing audit is performed. NO refunds will be processed prior to the show.


RENTAL FURNISHINGS orders canceled prior to move in/set up day, will incur a 50% cancellation fee. Cancellation or partial refund of Rental Furnishings cannot be honored once items have been delivered to the booth and will be invoiced at 100% of the original rate to the exhibitor.


STANDARD CARPET orders canceled prior to move in/set up day, will incur a 50% cancellation fee. Standard Carpet orders delivered to the booth will be invoiced at 100% of the original rate to the exhibitor.


CUSTOM CUT or PRESTIGE CARPET orders that have already been cut and loaded for delivery, will incur a 100% cancellation fee will apply. Orders cancelled at show site will incur a 100% cancellation fee. If carpet has been installed at show site and cancellation occurs, a 1 hour labor fee will also be assessed to the exhibitor's account to remove the carpet in addition to the cancellation terms above.


EXHIBIT RENTAL, CABINET, COUNTER, GRAPHIC SIGNAGE or TABLE THROWS, orders placed prior to exhibitor move-in, pre-paid by the exhibitor, and cancelled at least (10) business days prior to move-in will incur a 50% cancellation fee. Cancellations placed less than (10) business days and/or if any production work is in progress such as graphics, custom components, and/or transit, a 100% cancellation fee will be applied. Cancellations or partial refunds cannot be honored at show site and a 100% cancellation fee will apply.



Install and Dismantle labor services require (1) business day notice of cancellation. Labor services cancelled on site or not within (1) business day, will be charged a 1-hour minimum charge per person ordered. Cancellation must be done in writing to ExhibitorAssistance@alliance-exposition.com



All material handling orders cancelled by the Exhibitor or due to the cancellation of an event or their non-participation may be subject to cancellation fees equal to 50% - 100% of the total order based upon the status of move-in, work performed and/or Alliance Nationwide Exposition set-up costs or expenses. Cancellation and refunds of material handling orders or shipments will be reviewed at the time of cancellation. If shipment has been received by Alliance Nationwide Exposition or its subcontractors, a full refund of material handling services will not be provided. Material handling services will not be refunded if a shipment has been received in our advance warehouse prior to the show. Any shipments delivered to show site directly or from the advanced warehouse and then cancelled and/or refused by the exhibitor will not be subject to any discount and/or refund of material handling services.



Alliance Nationwide Exposition will accept exhibitor shipments in advance at the local warehouse and at show site during exhibitor move-in. This service is chargeable and referred to as Material Handling, also commonly called Drayage. Material Handling is billed based on the weight of each shipment and applies to all deliveries regardless of the carrier transporting the shipment -- FedEx, UPS, Common Carrier, etc. Material Handling and the actual shipping/transportation of freight are two separate services.


Material Handling service is roundtrip for both the inbound and outbound of the show. No discounts will be applied if the service is not used in full. Material Handling Service is inclusive of the following:

  • Offload of shipment from Carrier at thedock
  • Storage of materials for up to 30 days prior to the event for Advance Warehouseshipments
  • Delivery of freight directly to the exhibitor’s booth during show movein
  • Storage of empty crates and display containers for the duration of showhours
  • Returndeliveryofstoredcratesanddisplaycontainerstoexhibitor’sboothwhentheexhibithallcloses and exhibitor move-outbegins
  • Complimentary pre-printed outbound Alliance Expo Bill of Lading (BOL) andlabels
  • Return of packed shipment to the onsite loading dock for designated Carrierpickup
  • Load freight onto exhibitor’s preferredCarrier


Material Handling services should be ordered PRIOR to shipping materials. If the actual weight of the shipment is under or over the estimated amount submitted at the time of ordering, it will be adjusted accordingly when the shipment is received. See Weight Verification details below.


Designated dates and times for advance receiving and direct to show site are outlined with corresponding rates in the online Exhibitor Service Kit published at Alliance OnLine.


A shipment is defined by how materials are delivered to the advance warehouse or direct to show site. Items shipped together may not be delivered in one lot by your carrier and may thereby qualify as separate shipments when received.


In most cases, unless specifically published in the show’s Exhibitor Service Kit, only Crated shipments will be accepted at the Advance Warehouse. For instances when OVERSIZED AND MACHINERY SHIPEMENTS will be received, Alliance Exhibitor Services should be contacted in advance to ensure proper equipment and facility arrangements are procured and confirmed.


A200lb.(2CWT)MINIMUM CHARGE isappliedtoallshipmentswith the exceptionofitemsthatmeetthecriteria to qualify for Small Packagerates.



  • CRATED SHIPMENTS include materials packed in wooden crates, cardboard cartons, fiber cases, or stacked on skids. Palletized Carpet is considered crated and is acceptable for delivery to the warehouse.
  • UNCRATED SHIPMENTS will not be received at the warehouse. Uncrated shipments include loose or pad-wrapped materials that are easily damaged when handled by a forklift, pallet jack, or other freight handling equipment.
  • SPECIAL HANDLING is applicable when material delivered by a carrier requires additional handling such a ground unloading, stacked or constricted space unloading, designated piece unloading, loads mixed with pad-wrapped materials, and shipments that require additional time, equipment, and/or labor to handle. Loose carpet/padding included. This includes carriers such as FedEx and UPS due to their delivery procedures.
  • LATE ARRIVAL FEESareapplicableinadditiontoAdvanceWarehouseandDirecttoShowSiteMaterialHandling charges when shipments are received outside of the designated receiving dates andtimes.
  • SMALL PACKAGE HANDLING rates are applicable to individual shipments received from outside carriers at the Advance Warehouse or Direct to Show Site and have a total weight of 25 lbs. or less. Each individual package meeting these qualifications will be billed at the Small Package rate indicated below. If the package arrives after the Advance Warehouse receiving deadline or on site outside of the designated exhibitor move-in hours, a late fee surcharge will be applied. If the shipment weighs more than 25 lbs in total, standard Material Handling rates willapply.
  • VEHICLE SPOTTING is the process by which vehicles, trailers, or other mobile units are escorted to and from a designated exhibit space for staging and display, including outdoor areas. Vehicles are assigned a target date and time for arrival, staging, and move out at the site. Vehicle Spotting fees are round trip and include boththeinboundandoutboundoftheevent.Anyexhibitmaterialdeliveredwithinthevehicleorunitissubjectto weight verification and standard Material Handling services and rates. Additional vehicle permitting and inspection fees may be assessed per local Fire Marshal code andregulation.



Whenplanningshipmentlogistics,theExhibitormustadvisethecarrierand/ordriverthatthefollowing documents must accompany the shipment and be furnished upondelivery:

  • A Bill of Lading describing the inbound shipment such as piece count, destination,etc.
  • A Certified Weight Ticket verifying the weight of theshipment.


Material handling rates are based primarily, though not solely, on the weight of the shipment. A Certified Weight Ticket will provide an accurate assessment to estimate material handling charges. Prior to offloading a shipment at the advance warehouse or show site dock, all carriers (i.e. Common Carrier, Van Line, or any other closed-body vehicle with dual wheels) are required to present a Certified Weight Ticket. Shipments received without Certified Weight Tickets or Bills of Lading will be weighed upon delivery, which will prevail for billing purposes. In theeventofadisputetotheCertifiedWeightTicketordocumentedBillofLadingweight,AllianceExpo Services will re-weighshipments it deems is necessary,Alliancereservesthe righttochargeforlaborincurredtoprovideare-weigh.Alliancere-weighwillbefinalandusedtodetermine material handlingcharges.


Atshowclosing,alloutboundshipmentsrequireacompletedandsigned Alliance Expo Bill of Lading (BOL)detailingthecontentoftheshipment,finaldestination,andauthorizationto release freight to the exhibitor’s designated or preferredCarrier.



May be pre-ordered through Alliance Exhibitor Services at no additional charge by completing and submitting the information in your show profile at AllianceOnLine.AnExhibitorServicesteammemberonsitewilldistributeanypre-orderedoutboundmaterials prior to moveout.


Once booth properties are packed and ready for load out to the designated carrier, a completed and signed Bill of Lading (BOL) must be returned to the Alliance Service Desk.


RE-ROUTE via Show Carrier

All carriers must be checked in by the published carrier check in deadline during exhibitor move out. Freight that is not picked up by the designated carrier according to the published deadline and/or abandoned materials, will be removed from the facility and result in additional fees payable by the exhibitor. Alliance Expo Services will employ the following, as designated by the exhibiting party on the Bill of Lading.

  • Shipment(s) will be released to the Official Show Carrier for outbound transportation to the final destination.
  • A $150 reroute fee will be added to your Alliance Expo account, in addition to the transportation charges.
  • All shipping fees to be reconciled directly between the Exhibitor and Carrier.
  • Alliance Expo reserves the right to return abandoned material back to the company address on file via the show carrier, resulting in the same fees listed above and additional material handling fees not previously paid for. (see item 13 under Limits of Liability & Responsibility.)



The Exhibitor shall be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in Sections 1-15 below if Alliance Exposition Services has accepted a shipment on behalf of the Exhibitor, any shipper consigning, signing the Bill of Lading, a shipment left abandon in booth space after the conclusion of exhibitor move out, picking up or delivering a shipment from/to Alliance Exposition Services or its subcontractors.


  1. Alliance Exposition Services and its subcontractors shall not be liable for damage, loss, or delay to uncrated freight, freight improperly packed, glass breakage or concealed damage as determined by Alliance ExpositionServices. Including, but not limited to televisions, computers and electronics shipped through Amazon, FedEx, and UPS,etc.
  2. Relative to inbound shipments, there may be a lapse of time between the delivery of shipment(s) to the booth by Alliance Exposition Services or its subcontractors and the arrival of the Exhibitor’s representative at the booth. Similarly, relative to outgoing shipment(s), it is possible that there will be a lapse of time between the completion of packing and the actual pickup of materials from the booth for loading onto a carrier. It is understood that during such times the shipment(s) will be left in the booth unattended. Therefore, it is agreed that Alliance Exposition Services and its subcontractors shall not be liable for the loss or disappearance of, or damage to any items left in the booth unattended at any time. Consequently,allbillsofladingforoutboundshipment(s)submittedtoAllianceExpositionServicesorits subcontractorsbytheExhibitorwillbecheckedatthetimeofpickupfromtheboothandcorrectedwhere discrepancies exist.
  3. Alliance Exposition Services and its subcontractors shall not be liable for any damage incurred duringthe handling of materials or equipment requiring special devices to properly load, unload, place, or reload unless 14 days advance notice has been given to Alliance Exposition Services in time to obtain the proper equipment.
  4. Alliance Exposition Services and its subcontractors shall not be responsible for any loss, delay, or damage due to events beyond their reasonable control which cannot be avoided by the exercise of due careandprudence,includingwithoutlimitation,strikes,labordisputes,lockoutsorworkstoppagesofany kind,fire,theft,windstorm,water,vandalism,actsofGod,failureofpowerorutilities,andothereventsof force majeure.
  5. AllianceExpositionServicesanditssubcontractorsshallnotbeliableforordinarywearandtearin handling of materials and/orequipment.
  6. It is the Exhibitor’s responsibility to ensure that Exhibitor’s freight is insured from the time it departs the Exhibitor’s place of the business or other origination point until it is returned to the final destination after the close of the event. It is suggested that the Exhibitor obtain all-risk coverage, which can typically be procured via rider(s) to existing insurance policies through the exhibiting organization’s insurance representative or broker. It is the Exhibitors’ responsibility to ensure that liability property insurance is in effect during the inbound and outbound transit of freight, while in storage, and at show site. All transit claims will be referred to the common carrier.
  7. Alliance Exposition Services and its subcontractors are not insurers; Alliance Exposition Services does not insure the Exhibitor’s property against loss or damage, nor does it provide for full replacement value should loss or damage occur. Insurance shall be obtained by the Exhibitor. Amounts payable byAlliance Exposition under this paragraph are based on the scope of the liability as herein set forth and are unrelated to the value of the Exhibitor’s property. Provisions of this paragraph shall apply if Exhibitor’s property is lost or damaged through performance or nonperformance of services by Alliance Exposition Services or from the negligence of Alliance Exposition Services, its subcontractors, or their respective employees. If such loss or damage occurs, the liability of Alliance Exposition Services and its subcontractorsshallbelimitedtoasumequalto$.30perpoundperarticle,withamaximumliabilityof $50.00 per item or $1,000 per shipment, whichever is less. This amount shall be considered based on agreed-upon damages and exclusive remedy.
  8. Alliance Exposition Services and its subcontractors shall not be liable to any extent whatsoever for any indirect, special, incidental, attorney fees, or consequential damages, which may include, but are not limited to any actual, potential or assumed loss of profits or revenues, loss of use of equipment or products, or any collateral costs that may result from any loss or damage to Exhibitor’s materials orany injury to Exhibitor’s personnel which may make it impossible or impractical for Exhibitor to exhibit its materials.
  9. AllianceExpositionServiceswillnotbeboundtohonoranyclaimoractionbroughtagainstAlliance Exposition Services or its subcontractors more than 30 days after the date ofincident.
  10. The Exhibitor agrees, in connection with the receipt, handling, temporary storage and reloading of its freight, that Alliance Exposition Services and its subcontractors will provide these services as Exhibitor’s agent and not as bailee or shipper. If any employee of Alliance Exposition Services or its subcontractors sign a delivery receipt, bill of lading or other document, the parties agree that Alliance Exposition Services oritssubcontractorwilldosoastheExhibitor’sagentandtheExhibitoracceptstheresponsibilitythereof.
  11. Alliance Exposition Services and its subcontractors shall not be liable for shipments received without receipts,freightbills,orspecifiedunitcountsonreceiptsorfreightbills.Suchshipmentswillbedelivered to the booth without guarantee of piece count orcondition.
  12. Empty container labels will be available at the Alliance Exposition Services Exhibitor Service Desk in conjunction with Material Handling services paid by the Exhibitor. Affixing the labels is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor or its representative. It is understood that these labels are used forEMPTY STORAGE ONLY, and Alliance Exposition Services and its subcontractors assume no responsibility or liability for loss or damage to contents while containers are in storage, for mislabeledcontainers, including old empty labels.
  13. In order to expedite removal of freight from the show site, Alliance Exposition Services shall have the authority to change designated carriers, if assigned carriers do not pick up on time. Where no disposition is made by the Exhibitor, freight will be taken to a warehouse and forced shipped on a carrierdetermined by Alliance Exposition Services and the Exhibitor agrees to be responsible for payment of charges relating to such handling and shipping. Alliance Exposition Services assumes no liability as a result of Rerouting.
  14. DryandcoldstorageofproductisstoredattheExhibitor'sownrisk.AllianceExpositionServices assumes no liability or responsibility for dry or coldstorage.
  15. The Exhibitor agrees, in the event of a dispute with Alliance Exposition Services or its subcontractors related to any loss or damage to any of the Exhibitor’s freight or equipment, that the Exhibitor will not withholdpaymentinanyamountduetoAllianceExpositionServicesformaterialhandlingservicesorany other services provided by Alliance Exposition Services or its subcontractors as an offset against the amount of the alleged loss of damage. Instead, the Exhibitor agrees to pay Alliance Exposition Services prior to the close of the show for all such charges and further agrees that any claim the Exhibitor may have against Alliance Exposition Services, or its subcontractors shall be pursued independently by the Exhibitor as a completely separate transaction to be resolved on its ownmerits.
  16. Booth Labor Services-Exhibitor or it’s agent shall be responsible for the performance and supervision of labor when services is performed under Option B Exhibitor Supervision. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor or it’s agent to supervise labor through Alliance Exposition Services in a reasonable manner as to prevent bodily injury and /or property damage. Booth labor services performed under Option A-Alliance Supervision. Exhibitor is responsible for providing detail installation and dismantle instructions including outbound shipping instructions and piece counts for all items left in booth. If properties other than  display/exhibitry,  are to be included in outbound shipping, those items should be packed and labeled by the exhibitor prior to departure. Alliance will not be held responsible for items we did not install. Dismantle Alliance Supervision orders that did not include Alliance Supervised Installation Service are subject to the written dismantle instructions. Where no written instructions are provided to Alliance Exposition Services, Alliance Exposition Services will not be liable for damages or missing items to the outbound shipment.
  17. Indemnification-Exhibitor agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Alliance Exposition Services from and against any and all demands, claims, causes of action, fines, penalties, damages, liabilities, judgements and expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys fees and investigative costs) for bodily injuries, including any injury to Alliance Exposition Services employees and or property damage arising out of work performed by labor provided by Alliance Exposition Services but supervised by the exhibitor or it’s agents. Further, the exhibitors indemnification includes any and all violations of Federal, State, County or Local Ordinances,
    Show Regulation and/or Rules as published and set forth by Faility or Show Management, and/or directing labor provided by Alliance Exposition Services to work in a manner that violates any of the above regulations and/or ordinances.




Please review this privacy policy before utilization of any Alliance Exposition Services online interface and/or submitting personal information. By using the site, you are accepting the practices described in this privacy policy. These practices may be changed, but any changes will be posted and changes will only apply to activities and information on a going forward, not retroactive basis. You are encouraged to review the privacy policy whenever you visit the site to make sure that you understand how any personal information you provide will be used.Note:TheprivacypracticessetforthinthisprivacypolicyareforAllianceExpositionServicesonline sitesonly.Ifyoulinktootherwebsites,pleasereviewtheprivacypoliciespostedbytheownerofthesite.



Alliance Exposition Services’ online interfaces may use cookie and tracking technology depending on the features offered. Cookie and tracking technology are useful for gathering information such as browser type and operating system, tracking the number of visitors to the Site, and understanding how visitors use the Site.

Cookies can also help customize the Site for visitors. Personal information cannot be collected via cookies and othertrackingtechnology;however,ifyoupreviouslyprovidedpersonallyidentifiableinformation,cookiesmay betiedtosuchinformation.Aggregatecookieandtrackinginformationmaybesharedwiththirdparties.



Alliance Exposition Services may share information with governmental agencies or other companies assisting in fraud prevention or investigation. Alliance Exposition Services may do so when: (1) permitted or required by law; or, (2) trying to protect against or prevent actual or potential fraud or unauthorized transactions; or, (3) investigating fraud which has already taken place. The information is not provided to any unauthorized company or third party for marketing purposes.



Alliance Exposition Services collects personally identifiable information, such as names, postal addresses, email addresses, etc., when voluntarily submitted by our visitors. The information you provide is used to fulfill your specific request. This information is only used beyond the specific request if/when permission is granted by the individual to use it in another manner.



Yourpersonallyidentifiableinformationissecure.OnlyauthorizedemployeesandagentsofAllianceExposition Services have access to personally identifiable information provided by an exhibitor, show management, or other third party. All communication from this site allows you to opt out of furthernotifications.



PleasedirectanyinquiriesregardingAllianceExpositionServicesTerms&ConditionstoExhibitorServices at 888.528.2011 or



Alliance Nationwide Exposition reserves the right to make changes to the Terms & Conditions, without prior notice. Any changes to the Terms & Conditions or it’s policies will be posted. For the current version, go to www.alliance-exposition.com.


This Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) governs the manner in which Alliance Exposition collects, uses, maintains, and discloses information collected from you in connection with the Alliance Exposition online storefront.

Alliance Exposition may collect and store information about you and/or your business including your or your business’s name, email address, phone number, mailing address, accounting transaction data, payment or other financial information, aggregate transaction data, customer sales and order information, third-party data, business data, browser data, devices used, technical information about your means of connection to applications, and any other information or data submitted by you or third parties in connection with our Software Services, Storefronts, or other services rendered pursuant to the Agreement (the “Information”).

Information Use

Information collected may be used in connection with or for purposes of providing services to you, your business, and to others, improving services provided to you, your business, or to others, providing notices to you, complying with applicable law, and any other lawful purpose, including protecting the health or safety of you or others, and monitoring and preventing fraudulent or unlawful third-party activity.

Commercial Use of Information

Alliance Exposition will not sell or share the Information with third parties for any commercial purposes without your consent and express agreement. Alliance Exposition may, however, use the Information in order to share generic, collective, group, or other non-identifying information about the use of Alliance Exposition’s products and services as part of commercial transactions with third parties to help Alliance Exposition improve its products and services or for any other lawful purpose.

Third-Party Service Providers

Alliance Exposition may use third-party service providers and vendors to assist Alliance Exposition in providing its products and services to you and others, including, without limitation, services to host Alliance Exposition’s Software Services, Storefronts, payment processes, and other services pursuant to the Agreement. Alliance Exposition may also use third-party service providers and vendors to store Information and other data. Any such third parties would have access to your Information for the limited purpose of assisting, as reasonably necessary, Alliance Exposition in providing Software Services and other services pursuant to the Agreement.

Alliance Exposition may disclose your Information as Alliance Exposition reasonably believes is required by court order, governmental directive, or other law, to protect the rights of Alliance Exposition, or as otherwise allowed pursuant to the Agreement or applicable law.

Information Protection

Alliance Exposition will retain, protect, and process the Information and underlying or related data using commercially reasonable practices. Although Alliance Exposition will undertake such efforts to preserve and protect the integrity of the Information, you acknowledge and agree that all security measures have potential risks.

Customer Control of Collected Data

You may decline to provide or submit Information to us, however, some of our Software Services, Storefronts, or other services may not be available to you if you choose not to provide or submit Information. You also have a right to access the Information that we hold (about you) upon reasonable written request.

Updates to our Policy

By entering into the Agreement or the Acknowledgment or by using our products or services, you consent to the collection and use of your Information by us consistent with this Policy and the Agreement. We may change this Policy from time to time, for any reason. Any such changes become effective when posted.

To the extent that this Policy is inconsistent with applicable law, it is the intent of Alliance Exposition to comply with applicable law. If there is any conflict between any provision of this Policy and applicable law, such applicable law shall prevail; provided, however, that any such conflicting provision in this Policy shall be curtailed and limited only to the extent necessary to bring it within the legal requirements and the remainder of this Policy shall not be affected thereby.

  • Does this site use cookies?

Yes, Boomer Commerce uses cookies.  A popup will periodically ask you to confirm that Boomer Commerce is allowed to install cookies locally on your browsers to run the application correctly.  If you deny Boomer Commerce to do so, you will not be able to access most of the Boomer Commerce site as these cookies provide essential functional purposes for it to work correctly.


  • What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small file that can be placed on your device that allows us to recognize and remember you. It is sent to your browser and stored on your computer’s hard drive, tablet, or mobile device. When you visit our site, we may collect information from you automatically through cookies.


  • What types of cookies do we use?

Essential and Functional

All cookies used as part of the Boomer Commerce application provide fundamental application functionality.  They store your local information so you can stay logged in, remember preferences you have set on your local browser, and allow you to lg in and out, perform transactions, and securely access our databases with your critical business information.  These cookies are used in tandem with other software and technologies to ensure you are who you say you are and that the Boomer Commerce application functions securely, and as intended for your usage.


  • Why should you use cookies on this site?

Boomer Commerce uses cookies to store non privileged information about you and your local machine so it can deliver the correct information to you in the application at the correct times.  Without this information, we may not know who you are or if you are allowed to access information on the site and will mostly deny access in order to preserve data security.  Cookies are a routine part of almost every website today especially websites dealing in personalized account information.


  • Can I opt out of cookies on this site?

Yes, you will be prompted to allow Boomer Commerce to use cookies upon accessing the site for the first time on a given device or browser or when an extended amount of time has passed since the last time you accessed the site.  However, denying cookie access to Boomer Commerce will disable almost all site functionality and only a select few public facing portions of the site will be available.  You will not be able to log in to your individual account without cookies enabled.